According to Variety, the wheels are in motion for principal photography to begin on Fighter, a long-gestating project that now adds Christian Bale to a cast that already includes Mark Wahlberg (Brad Pitt was previously attached). The film follows Irish Rocky Mickey Ward and his half-brother, Dicky Eklund, a fellow boxer who kicked a drug habit and served jail time before backing Mickey to world lightweight championship.
David O’Russell (Three Kings, I Heart Huckabees) is set to direct, which I find particularly amusing, since this is the same David O’Russell famous for choking-out George Clooney on the set of Three Kings, reportedly saying “Why don't you just worry about your fucked-up acting?! You're being a dick. You want to hit me? You want to hit me? Come on, pussy, hit me.” Clooney describes the experience as “the worst…of my life.” Then, on the set of his existential-tragi-comedy “I Heart Huckabees”, someone actually filmed his flip-out on poor Lilly Tomlin, which I've embedded below (note Dustin Hoffman cowering in the corner - way to man up Dusty). According to the New York Time’s Sharon Waxman, who chronicled O’Russell in the excellent ‘Rebels on the Backlot’ (2006), “Mr. Russell ends his tirade by sweeping his arm across a nearby table cluttered with production paraphernalia. He storms off the set and back on again, continually shouting. Then he locks himself in his office, refusing to return.”
So now I hear that Christian “Am I going to walk around and rip your fucking lights down, in the middle of a scene?!?” Bale is going to be taking direction from David “a shower of bitches” (a phrase he used when accusing Chris Nolan of stealing Jude Law from Huckabees) O’Russell and I’m just waiting for the next YouTube clip to surface. There’s just so much potential. David O'Russell v. Christian Bale. Date TBA. Mark your imaginary calendars.