I found today's quotes buried in a wicked Salon.com article (http://www.salon.com/ent/tv/review/2009/06/18/impact/ ) for the new ABC summer mini-series Impact, starring James Cromwell, and airing this Sunday at 9. The two-parter was originally set for broadcast on the Sci Fi Channel (should give you a good gauge of quality right there), and was produced by a German production company (ok, now you should be running).
A few of the gems are below.
"We have no other choice, sir. You can't hide from gravity!"
"Look, I can't even answer the questions on 'Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader,' but even I know the moon is not capable of manipulating gravity at this level." (This zinger is straight from the Chief of Staff)
and finally:
"Science has very much come under question these last few days. But, it's all I have."
Now lets pause for a moment and remember that someone was actually paid to write this. The lucky sap is Michael Vickerman, and yes, he went to film school. Some of the other writing credits under his belt include The Haunting of Sorority Row (winner of four Acadamy Awards) and Superfire - Inferno in Oregon (a paltry two Acadamy Awards). Sadly, I now feel I owe it to myself to watch his latest masterpiece.
"We are a part of something here that's going to be written about in the same context as Newton and Einstein. I know you don't want to miss out on that!" utters Natasha Henstridge towards the climax of the mini-series.
You're damn right I don't.